Omnibus Bill 2022 (Continuing Appropriations Act)
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Division A: Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Agencies
$54.7 million for the Secretary of Agriculture
$27.2 million for the Office of the Chief Economist
$16.1 million for the Office of Hearings and Appeals
$11.3 million for the Office of Budget and Program Analysis
$84.7 million for the Office of the Chief Information Officer
$7.1 million for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
$1.4 million for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
$35.3 million for the Office of Civil Rights (Agriculture)
$108.3 million for Agriculture Buildings and Facilities
$7.54 million for Hazardous Materials Management
$23.3 million for the Office of Safety, Security, and Protection
$106.3 million for the Office of the Inspector General (Agriculture)
$57.3 million for the Office of the General Counsel (Agriculture)
$4.3 million for the Office of ethics
$3.3 million for the Office of Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics
$87.8 million for the Economic Research Service
$190.2 million for the National Agricultural Statistics Service
$46.9 million of it for the Census of Agriculture
$1.63 billion for Agricultural Research Service Salaries and Expenses
$127.8 million for Agricultural Research Service Buildings and Facilities
$1.05 billion For Nat. Inst. of Food and Agriculture Research and Education Activities
$11.9 million for the Native American Institutions Endowment Fund
$550.6 million for Nat. Inst. of Food and Agriculture Extension Activities
$40 million for Nat. Inst. of Food and Agriculture Integrated Activities
$1.6 million for the Office of Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs
$1.11 billion for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Salaries and Expenses
$3.2 million for Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Buildings and Facilities
$226.7 million for Agricultural Marketing Services
$61.8 million for Agricultural Marketing Services Administrative Expenses
$20.8 million for Funds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply
$1.2 million for State Marketing Services
$55 million for Inspection and Weighing Services Expenses
$1.1 million for the Under Secretary for Food Safety
$1.1 billion for the Food Safety and Inspection Service
$1.7 million for the Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation
$60.3 million for the Farm Production and Conservation Business Center
$1.2 billion for the Farm Service Agency
$7 million for State Mediation Grants
$6.5 million for the Grassroots Source Water Protection Program
$3 million for Geographically Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers
$10.8 billion for the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund Program
$3.5 billion for guaranteed farm ownership loans
$2.8 billion for farm ownership direct loans
$2.2 billion for unsubsidized guaranteed operating loans
$1.6 billion for direct operating loans
$37 million for emergency loans
$150 million for guaranteed conservation loans
$61.4 million for relending programs
$5 million for Indian highly fractionated land loans
$60 million for boll weevil eradication program loans
$62 million for direct/guaranteed loans and grants
$315 million for administrative expenses
$62.7 million for Risk Management Agency Salaries and Expenses
$904.4 million for the Natural Resources Conservation Service
$5 million for Commodity Credit Corporation losses
$15 million for Commodity Credit Corporation Hazardous Waste Management
$1.6 million for the Under Secretary for Rural Development
$300.3 million for Rural Development salaries and expenses
$32 billion for the Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program
Including $412,254,000 for administrative expenses
$1.45 billion for the Rental Assistance Program
$45 million for the Rural Housing Voucher Account
$32 million for Mutual and Self-Help Housing Grants
$3.9 billion for the Rural Communities Facilities Program
$73.1 million for the Rural Business Program
$24.9 million for the Intermediary Relending Program
Including $4.5 million in administrative costs
$50 million for the Rural Economic Development Loans Program
$27.6 million for Rural Cooperative Development Grants
$150 million for the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
$12.9 million for the Rural Energy For America Program
$5 million for the Healthy Food Financing Initiative
$1.5 billion for the Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program
$8 billion for Rural Electrification and telecommunications loans
$6.5 billion for rural direct electric loans
$690 million for rural telecommunications loans
$2 billion for plants that use carbon subsurface utilization and storage systems
$33.3 million for administrative expenses
$543 million for the Rural Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program
$62.5 million for telemedicine and distance learning services
$2.3 million for broadband loans
$437 million for the broadband loan and grant pilot program
$37 million for "Community Project Funding"
$35 million for the Community Connect Grant Program
$1.3 million for the Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
$26.9 billion for School Lunches
$6 billion for WIC (food stamps designated for women, infants, children)
$140.4 billion for 2.5 years of SNAP (food stamps) funding
$440 million for the Commodity Assistance Program
$170.1 million for Nutrition Programs Administration
$908,000 for the Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
$4.8 million for the Office of Codex Alimentarius
$228.6 million for Foreign Agricultural Service salaries and expenses
$1.7 million for Food for Peace Title II grants
$237 million for the International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program
$6.1 billion for FDA salaries and expenses
$1.2 billion derived from prescription drug user fees
$243 million derived from medical device user fees
$539 million derived from generic drug user fees
$40 million derived from biosimilar biological product user fees
$31 million derived from animal drug user fees
$712 million from tobacco user fees
$12.8 million for FDA buildings and facilities
$50 million for the FDA Innovation Account (Cures Act)
$320 million for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
$84.2 million for the Farm Credit Administration
$3 million for the Protecting Animals With Shelter Program
A grant program for assisting the pets of victims of domestic violence victims
$1 million for the International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program
$2 million for financial/legal assistance in purchasing RHS multi-family housing properties
$3 million for the Healthy Fluid Milk Incentives Project
A program that encourages food stamp recipients to drink fluid milk
$4 million for the Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach Program
$2 million for the Dept of Agriculture to improve rural hospital operations
$400,000 for Pollinator Protection grants
$1 million for data storage services for land-grant universities
$24.5 million for the Goodfellow Federal Facility
$5 million for a "Farm of the Future" demonstration site
$5 million for a National Farm to School Institute in Vermont
$4 million for Water Bank Act non-renewable agreements on eligible lands
$5 million for mitigation banking of wetlands
$500,000 for a working group on deacidifying oceans
$3 million for fighting cogongrass
$30 million for establishing an Institute for Rural Partnerships
$1 million for a Cattle Contracts Library pilot program
$10 million for an Institute for Rural Partnership at the University of Vermont
$250 million for salaries/offset of losses for Agriculture Quarantine and Inspection Services
Division B: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
$570 million for Dept of Commerce International Trade Operations/Administration
$141 million for Bureau of Industry and Security Operations/Administration
$330 million for the Economic Development Administration grants
$43.5 million for the Economic Development Administration salaries/expenses
$55 million for the Minority Business Development Agency
$18 million of which for overhead expenses
$116 million for Economic and Statistical Analysis Salaries and Expenses
$300 million for the Bureau of the Census
$1.05 billion for Periodic Censuses and Programs
$50 million for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration
$4.06 billion for the US Patent and Trademark Office
$850 million for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Research
$174.5 million for NIST Industrial Technology Services
$205.6 million for NIST Research Facilities Construction
$4.2 billion for NOAA Operations, Research, Facilities
$1.7 billion for NOAA Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction
$65 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery
$349,000 for the Fisherman's Contingency Fund
$24 million for the Fisheries Finance Program Account
$80 million for Dept of Commerce Management Salaries and Expenses
$1.1 million for renovating the Herbert C. Hoover building
$35.8 million for the Dept of Commerce Inspector General
$127.8 million for DOJ salaries/expenses
$38 million for DOJ Justice Information Sharing Technology
$760 million for the Executive Office for Immigration Review
$118 million for the DOJ Inspector General
$14.2 million for US Parole Commision salaries/expenses
$1 billion for DOJ Legal Activites salaries/expenses
Such sums as may be necessary for the Civil Rights Division election monitoring program
$19 million for cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
$192.8 million for Antitrust Division salaries/expenses
$2.4 billion for United States Attorneys salaries/expenses
$239 million for the United States Trustee System Fund
$2.4 million for Foreign Claims Settlement Commision salaries/expenses
$270 million for Fees and Expenses of witnesses
$21 million for Community Relations Service salaries/expenses
$20.5 million for the Assets Forfeiture Fund
$1.6 billion for the US Marshals salaries/expenses
$15 million for US Marshals construction costs
$2.1 billion for Federal Prisoner Detention
$120.7 million for National Security Division salaries/expenses
$550.5 million for Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement
$10.1 billion for FBI salaries/expenses
$632 million for FBI construction activities
$2.4 billion for DEA salaries/expenses
$1.5 billion for ATF salaries/expenses
$7.9 billion for the Federal Prison System
$235 million for Federal Prison System buildings and facilities
$575 million for Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs
Including $11 million for a "restorative justice" grant program for domestic violence and sexual assault
$10 million for "culturally specific" services to victims
$70 million for Office of Justice Programs research/statistics programs
$674.5 million for Edward Byrne Assistance Grants (state/local LEO grants)
$13 million for VALOR grants
$2.4 million for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System
$10 million for training state/local LEOs to respond to persons with mental illness/disabilities
$4 million for student loan reimbursement
$15.5 million for Prison Rape prevention
$3 million for the Missing Americans Alert Program
$20 million for Project Safe Neighborhoods grants
$12 million for the Capital Litigation Improvement Grant program
$3 million for a national center on restorative justice
$3.5 million for a grant program to replicate family-based alternative sentencing pilot programs
$2 million to support child advocacy training in post-secondary education
$8 million for the rural violent crime initiative
$5 million for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains Act grants
$1.5 millionfor university forensic ballistics programs
$4 million for a drug data research center to combat opiod abuse
$185 million for grants to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system
$234 million for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
$88 million for victims of trafficking services
$12 million to prevent white collar crime
$20 million for sex offender management
$30 million for bulletproof vests for state/local LEOs
$1 million for the National Sex Offender Public Website
$95 million for states to update NICS system data
$33 million for Forensic Science Improvement grants
$151 million for DNA-related and forensic programs
$50 million for community-based grants to improve sexual assault response
$14 million for the court-appointed special advocate program
$50 million for assistance to Indian tribes (LEO grants)
$115 million for offender reentry programs and research
$8 million to improve state/local/Tribal parole supervision
$5 million for children of incarcerated parents demonstration programs
$5 million for Project HOPE Opportunity probation programs
$10 million for crisis stabilization and community reentry grant programs
$415 million for comprehensive opioid abuse reduction activities
$82 million for STOP School Violence Act grants
$13 million for grants for hate crime educational outreach and training
$5 million for grants to support community-based approaches to advancing justice and reconciliation
$120 million for initiatives to improve police-community relations
With $25 million for body cams
$511.7 million for Community-Oriented Policing Services Programs
$50,000 for Attorney General reception and representation expenses
$6.7 million for the Office of Science and Technology policy
$2 million for the National Space Council expenses
The council is headed by Kamala Harris
$7.6 billion for NASA science research/expenses
$881 million for NASA aeronautics expenses
$1.1 billion for NASA Space technology expenses
$6.8 billion for NASA exploration expenses
$4 billion for NASA Space operations
$26 million for NASA STEM engagement activities
$3 billion for NASA safety, security, and mission services
$410 million for NASA construction, environmental compliance, and restoration
$7.2 billion for National Science Foundation research/related activities
$249 million for NSF Major research equipment and facilities
$1 billion for NSF Education and human resources expenses
$400 million for NSF agency operations and awards management
$4.6 million for National Science Board expenses
$19 million for the NSF Inspector General
$13 million for the Commission on Civil Rights salaries and expenses
Including $1 million for the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Black Boys
$420 million for Equal Opportunity Commission salaries/expenses
"the Chair may accept and use any gift or donation to carry out the work of the Commission"
$110 million for International Trade Commission salaries/expenses
$489 million for the Legal Services Corporation
$4.2 million for the Marine Mammal Commission
$56 million for the Office of the US Trade Representative salaries/expenses
$15 million for the Trade Enforcement Trust Fund
$7.2 million for State Justice Institute salaries/expenses
$2 million for the Commission on the State of US Olympics and Paralympics
Division C: Department of Defense Appropriations
$47.8 billion for US Army military personnel
$35.5 billion for US Navy Personnel
$14.5 billion for US Marine Corps Personnel
$35 billion for US Air Force Personnel
$5.2 billion for US Army Reserve Personnel
$2.3 billion for US Navy Reserve personnel
$802.6 million for US Marine Corps Reserve personnel
$2.4 billion for US Air Force Reserve personnel
$9 billion for Army National Guard personnel
$4.8 billion for Air Force National Guard personnel
$55 billion for US Army operations and maintenance
$62.5 billion for US Navy operations and maintenance
$9.2 billion for US Marine Corps operations and maintenance
$55.1 billion for US Air Force operations and maintenance
$3.4 billion for US Space Force operations and maintenance
$45.9 billion for Defense-wide operations and maintenance
$500 million for the Counter-ISIS Train and Equip fund
$1.2 billion for Navy Reserve operations and maintenance
$3 billion for Army Reserve operations and maintenance
$295 million for Marine Corps Reserve operations and maintenance
$3.4 billion for Air Force Reserve operations and maintenance
$7.7 billion for Army National Guard operations and maintenance
$6.8 billion for Air National Guard operations and maintenance
$15.6 million for the US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
$299 million for Army Environmental Restoration
$390 million for Navy Environmental Restoration
$522 million for Air Force Environmental Restoration
$11 million for Defense-wide Environmental Restoration
$292.5 million for formerly used defense sites environmental restoration
$160 million for Overseas humanitarian, disaster, and civic aid
$344.8 million for the Cooperative Threat Reduction Account
$56.7 million for the Dept of Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account
$3.3 billion for Army aircraft procurement
$3.5 billion for Army Missile procurement
$4.3 billion for Army weapons and tracked vehicle procurement
$2.3 billion for Army ammunition procurement
$9.5 billion for "other" Army procurement
$17.8 billion for Navy aircraft procurement
$4 billion for Navy weapons procurement
$845 million for Navy/USMC ammunition procurement
$26.7 billion for Navy Shipbuilding and conversion
$11.1 billion for Navy "other" procurement
$3.1 billion for Marine Corps procurement
$18.4 billion for Air Force aircraft procurement
$2.5 billion for Air Force missile procurement
$666 million for Air Force ammunition procurement
$26.6 million for Air Force "other" procurement
$3 billion for Space Force procurement
$6.2 billion for defense-wide procurement
$388 million for Defense Production Act purchases
$950 million for the National Guard and Reserve Equipment Account
$14.5 billion for Army Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
$22.1 billion for Navy Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
$41.6 billion for Air Force Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
$11.6 billion for Space Force Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
$29 billion for Defense-wide Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
$276.6 million for Defense Operational Test and Evaluation
$2 billion for Defense Working Capital Funds
$37.4 billion for the Defense Health Program
$1 billion for Chemical Agents and Munitions Destruction
$438 million for the DOD Inspector General
$514 million for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund
$587 million for the Intelligence Community Management Account
$49 million in DOD grants to the United Service Organizations and Red Cross
$200 million for improving tactical artificial intelligence at Combatant Commands
$1 million of Navy Operations and Maintenance Funds designated for the Stennis Center for Public Service Development
$500 million for the Israeli Cooperative Defense Programs
$108 million for the Iron Dome system
$157 million for the Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense Program
$63 million for Arrow 3 Upper Tier systems
$173 million for Arrow System Improvement Program
$50 million for DOD recruiting
$516 million of Ops/Maintenance fund redirected to Secretary of Education for school construction/renovation
$370 million to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman
$500 million for assistance to Jordan
$300 million in weapons/training for Ukraine
A ban on weapons/training for the Azov battalion in Ukraine
Additional $1 billion in Israel Iron Dome funding
Division D: Energy, Water Development, and related agencies
$2.5 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction
$143 million for Army Corps of Engineers investigations
$370 million for Mississippi River flood reduction projects
$4.6 billion for Army Corps of Engineers operations/maintenance
$212 million for Army Corps of Engineers regulatory programs
$300 million for the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program
$35 million for flood control and coastal emergencies
$208 million for Corps of Engineers administrative expenses
$5 million for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
$5 million for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Account
With an additional $2.2 million for administrative expenses
$23 million for the Central Utah Project
$1.75 billion for Bureau of Reclamation Water and Related Resources fund
$56.5 million for the Central Valley Project Restoration Fund
$33 million for California Bay-Delta Restoration
$64.4 million for Bureau of Reclamation policy and administration expenses
$3.2 billion for Dept of Energy energy efficiency and renewable energy programs
$186 million for DOE Cybersecurity, Energy security, and emergency response
$277 million for DOE electricity activities
$1.65 billion for DOE nuclear energy projects
$825 million for Fossil Energy and carbon management
$13.65 million for Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale reserves
$219 million for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
With an additional $7.35 million for the SPR Petroleum Account
$6.5 million for the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve
$129 million for the Energy Information Administration
$333.8 million for DOE environmental cleanup
$860 million for the Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning fund
$7.5 billion for DOE science activities
$27.5 million for Nuclear Waste disposal
$19.5 million for DOE technology transitions
$8 million for DOE clean energy demonstrations
$450 million for DOE advanced research projects
$32 million for the Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program
$5 million for the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program
$2 million for the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee program
$58 million for Indian Energy Policy and Programs
$340.6 million for DOE departmental administration
$78 million for the DOE Inspector General
$15.9 billion for Atomic weapons activities
$2.4 billion for Defense nuclear nonproliferation
$1.9 billion for naval reactors
$464 million for National Nuclear Security Administration salaries/expenses
$6.7 billion for defense environmental cleanup
$573.3 million for Defense Uranium Enrichment decontamination and decommissioning
$985 million for "other" DOE defense activities
$7.2 million for Southeastern Power Administration operations/maintenance
$48.3 million for Southwestern Power Administration operations/maintenance
$285 million for Western Power Administration operations/maintenance
$5.8 million for the Falcon and Amistad hydroelectric dams
$466 million for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission salaries/expenses
Amounts will be obtained through collections of fees and charges
$195 million for the Appalachian Regional Commission
$36 million for Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board salaries/expenses
$30.1 million for the Delta Regional Authority
$15.1 million for the Denali Commission
$35 million for the Northern Border Regional Commission
$5 million Southeast Crescent Regional Commission
$874 million Nuclear Regulatory Commission salaries/expenses
Additional $13.8 million for the Inspector General
$3.8 million for the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
Division E: Financial Services and General Government Appropriations
$243 million for Dept of Treasury salaries/expenses
Including $258,000 for "unforeseen emergencies of a confidential nature"
$20 million for the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US Fund
To be collected with fees
$20 million for the Dept of Treasury Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
$80 million for the Treasury Cybersecurity Enhancement Account
$6.1 million for Treasury Department-wide systems and capital investment programs
$174 million for the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
$16 million for Treasury Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
Yes, TARP that was passed in 2008. That TARP.
$55 million for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
$356 million for the Bureau of the Fiscal Service
$128 million for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
$50 million for the US Mint
$295 million for the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
$2.8 billion for Internal Revenue Service Taxpayer Services
$5.4 billion for IRS enforcement
$4.1 billion for IRS Operations Support
$275 million for IRS Business Systems Modernization
$65 million for The White House Salaries and Expenses
$14 million for White House Executive Residence Operating Expenses
$2.5 million for White House Repair and Restoration
$4.1 million for Council of Economic Advisors salaries/expenses
$12.5 million for National Security Council and Homeland Security Council salaries/expenses
$106.5 million for Office of Administration salaries/expenses
$116 million for Office of Management and budget salaries/expenses
$1.8 million for the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator
$18.9 million for Office of National Drug Control Policy salaries/expenses
$296.6 million for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program
$133.6 million for other federal drug control programs
$1 million for the "Unanticipated Needs" of the President
$8 million for Information Technology Oversight and Reform
$4.8 million for "Special Assistance to the President" salaries/expenses
$311,000 for the Official Residence of the Vice President
$98.3 million for Supreme Court salaries/expenses
$14.4 million for care of SCOTUS building/grounds
$34.3 million for US Court of Appeals Federal Circuit salaries/expenses
$20.6 million for US Court of International Trade salaries/expenses
$5.6 billion for Courts of Appeals, District Courts, other judicial services
$1.34 billion for Federal Defender organizations (attorneys)
$32.6 million for fees of jurors and commissioners
$704 million for Court Security
$98.5 million for Administrative Office of US Courts salaries/expenses
$1.8 million for the Federal Judicial Center
$20.6 million for US Sentencing Commission salaries/expenses
$40 million for DC resident college tuition assistance
$25 million for DC emergency planning/security costs
$257.6 million for DC courts
$46 million for DC public defender services (family court)
$286.4 million for DC Court services and offender supervision
$52.6 million for DC public defender services (criminal court)
$2.2 million for the DC Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
$330,000 for DC Judicial Commissions
Additional $288,000 for Judicial Disabilities and Tenure
$52.5 million for DC School improvements
$600,000 for the DC National Guard Retention and college access program
$4 million for DC HIV/AIDS testing/treatment
$8 million for the DC Water and Sewer Authority
$3.4 million for Administrative Conference of the US salaries/expenses
$1.5 million for the Election Assistance Commission
$75 million for Election Security grants
$382 million for the Federal Communications Commission
$46.5 million for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Inspector General
$74.5 million for the Federal Election Commission (FEC)
$27.4 million for the Federal Labor Relations Authority
$10 million the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
$376.5 million for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
$9.34 billion for the GSA Federal Buildings Fund
$138 million for the Hartford, CT federal courthouse
$22.5 million for the San Juan, PR federal courthouse
$85.5 million for the Chattanooga, TN federal courthouse
$52 million for demolition costs in Chicago, IL
$55.4 million for the Clarksburg, WV federal courthouse
$27 million for the Hattiesburg, MS federal courthouse
$1.5 million for three feasibility studies
$68.7 million for government-wide policy support
$52.5 million for miscellaneous government-wide operating expenses
$9.6 million for the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
$69 million for the GSA Inspector General
$5 million for office staffs for former Presidents
$55 million for the Federal Citizen Services Fund
$4 million for the GSA Asset Proceeds and Space Management Fund
$4 million for the GSA Working Capital Fund
$2.5 million for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
$45.8 million for the Merit Systems Protection Board
$1.8 million for the Morris K. Udall and Stuart L. Udall Foundation
$3.3 million for the Environmental Dispute Resolution Fund
$388.3 million for the National Archives and Records Administration
$5 million for the National Archives and Records Administration Inspector General
$71 million for NARA repairs and restoration
$7 million for the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
$1.5 million for the National Credit Union Administration Community Development Revolving Loan Fund
$19.2 million for the Office of Government Ethics
$164.9 million for the Office of Personnel Management
$33.2 million for the OPM Inspector General
$30.4 million for the Office of Special Counsel
$17.5 million for the Postal Regulatory Commission
$9.8 million for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
$3.6 million for the Public Buildings Reform Board
$1.99 billion for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
$29.2 million for the Selective Service System
$278.4 million for the Small Business Administration salaries/expenses
$290.2 million for the Entrepreneurial Development Programs
$22.7 million for the SBA Inspector General
$9.5 million for the SBA Office of Advocacy
$178 million for the Disaster Loans Program Account
$83 million for SBA salaries/expenses for other initiatives
$52.6 million for the US Postal Service Fund
$262 million for the Postal Service Inspector General
$57.8 million for the US Tax Court
Division F: Department of Homeland Security
$236 million for DHS Secretary operations/support
$35 million for DHS executive management of federal assistance
$1.64 billion for the DHS Management directorate
$492 million for DHS procurement, construction, and improvements
$298.2 million for Intelligence, Analysis, and Operations support
$205.4 million for DHS Inspector General
$13.8 billion for US Customs and Border Protection operations/support
$478.7 million for CBP procurement, construction, and improvements
$8.2 billion for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operations/support
$51.7 million for ICE procurement, construction, and improvements
$8 billion for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) operations/support
$160.7 for TSA procurement, construction, and improvements
$35.5 million for TSA research and development
$9.16 billion for Coast Guard Operations and Support
$27.5 million of which is for environmental compliance and restoration
$2 billion for Coast Guard procurement, construction, and improvements
$7.5 million for Coast Guard research and development
$1.96 billion for Coast Guard retired pay
$2.6 billion for US Secret Service operations/support
$54.8 million for Secret Service procurement, construction, and improvements
$100 million for recruiting Border Patrol agents, hiring contractors
$50 million for the National Coast Guard Museum
$2 billion for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency operations/support
$590.7 million for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency procurement, construction, and improvements
$10.4 million for CISA research and development
$1.25 billion for FEMA operations/support
$210 million for FEMA procurement, construction, and improvements
$3.63 billion in federal assistance grants for FEMA
$18.8 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund
$214.7 million for the National Flood Insurance Fund
$389.5 million for US Citizenship and Immigration Services operations/support
$20 million for the Citizenship and Integration grant program
$322.4 million for Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
$33.2 million for Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers procurement, construction, and improvements
$330.6 million for Science and Technology Directorate operations/support
$12.9 million for Science and Technology Directorate procurement, construction, and improvements
$543 million for Science and Technology Directorate research/development
$176.8 million for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office operations/support
$76.6 million for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office procurement, construction, and improvements
$65.7 million for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office research/development
$133 million for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office grant assistance
$650 million to offset losses of Immigration User Fee receipts
$1.4 billion in additional funds for the border crisis
$993.8 million for Border Patrol
$239.7 million for ICE
$150 million for FEMA housing/food for detained illegals
Division G: Department of the Interior, Environment, and related agencies
$1.3 billion for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) management of lands and resources
$117.3 million for BLM grants for Oregon, California lands
$10 million for BLM range improvements
$1.45 billion for US Fish and Wildlife Service resource management
$12.8 million for US Fish and Wildlife Service construction
$24 million for the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
$13.2 million for the National Wildlife Refuge Fund
$48.5 million for the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund
$5 million for Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation
$20 million for the Multinational Species Conservation Fund
$72.6 million for state and tribal wildlife grants
$2.8 billion for the National Park Service
Including $3.3 million for the 400 Years of African-American History Commission Act, a federally funded national celebration of the 400 year anniversary of slaves arriving in Virginia (the anniversary was in 2019)
$83.9 million for National Park Service National Recreation and Preservation
$173 million for the Historic Preservation Fund
$226 million for National Park Service construction
$15 million for Centennial Challenge projects
$1.4 billion for the US Geological Survey
$205.7 million for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
$172 million for Bureau of Safety and Environmental (BSEE) offshore safety and environmental enforcement
$15.1 billion for Oil Spill Research
$118.1 million for Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement regulation and technology
$150 million for the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund
$1.82 billion for Bureau of Indian Affairs operations
$7 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs land consolidation
$146.8 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs construction
$1 million for Indian Land and Water Claim Settlements and miscellaneous payments
$11.8 million for the Indian Guaranteed Loan Program Account
$1 billion for Bureau of Indian Education operations
$264.3 million for Bureau of Indian Education construction
$109.6 million for Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians federal trust programs
$123.4 million for Department of Interior departmental operations
$113.5 million for Department of Interior Insular Affairs
$8.5 million for the Compact of Free Association
$95 million for the Office of the Solicitor
$62.1 million for the Dept of Interior Inspector General
$1 billion for Wildland Fire Management
$330 million for the Wildfire Suppression Operations Reserve Fund
$10 million for the Central Hazardous Materials Fund
$5 million for the Energy Community Revitalization Program
$91.4 million for the Dept of Interior Working Capital Fund
$169.6 million for Office of Natural Resources Revenue expenses
$750 million for Environmental Protection Agency science and technology
$2.96 billion for EPA Environmental Programs and Management
$44 million for EPA Inspector General
$34.8 million for EPA buildings and facilities
$1.2 billion for EPA Hazardous Substance Superfund
$92.3 million for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund
$20.3 million for Inland Oil Spill Programs
$4.4 billion for EPA state and tribal assistance grants
$63.5 million for the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Account
$1 million for the Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment
$1 billion for Forest Service operations
$296.6 million for Forest and Rangeland research
$315 million for State and private forestry assistance
$1.9 billion for the National Forest System
$159 million for Forest Service capital improvement and maintenance
$664,000 for acquisition of lands for national forests
$1 million for management of National Forest Lands for Subsistence Uses
$2 billion for Forest Service Wildland Fire Management
$2.1 billion for Forest Service Wildfire Suppression Operations reserve fund
$4.7 billion for Indian Health Services
$940.3 million for Indian Health Facilities
$82.5 million for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
$80.5 million for the Toxic Substances and Environmental Public Health Act
$4.2 million for the Council on Environmental Quality and Office of Envronmental Quality
$13.4 million for the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
$3.2 million for the Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
$11.7 million for the Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development
$1.06 billion for the Smithsonian Institution
$852 million payment to the institute
$210 million for alterations, revitalizations, and alterations
$180.5 million for the National Gallery of Art
Including $24 million for repairs, restoration, and renovation
$40.4 million for the Kennedy Center
Including $13 million for repairs and restoration
$15 million for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
$180 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$180 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities
$3.3 million for the Commission of Fine Arts
$5 million for National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs
$8.3 million for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
$8.75 million for the National Planning Commission
$62.6 million for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
$40 million for the Presidio Trust
$1 million for the World War I Centennial Commission
$8 million for the US Semiquincentennial Commission
Designation of firewood as "renewable energy"
Division H: Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies
$3.9 billion for Department of Labor Training and Employment Services
Programs authorized by the Workforce Innnovation and Opportunity Act include:
$2.9 billion for grants to states for adult employment and training activities
- $870 million for adult employment and training activities
- $933 million for youth activities
- $1 billion for dislocated worker employment and training activities
$1 billion for national programs
- $300.9 million for the dislocated workers assistance national reserve
- $99 million for YouthBuild activities
- $102 million for ex-offender activities
- $6 million for the Workforce Data Quality Initiative
- $235 million toexpand opportunities through apprenticeships
- $138 million for Demonstration and Pilot projects
$1.7 billion for the Job Corps
$405 million for Community Service Employment for older Americans
$540 million for Federal Unemployment Benefits and Allowances
$3.6 billion for State Unemployment Insurance and Employment Service operations
$113 million for administration of employment and training programs
$473 million for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation fund
$251 million for the Wage and Hour Division
$45.9 million for the Office of Labor Management Standards
$108.4 million for the Office of Federal Contract Compliance
$117.9 million for the Office of Workers Compensation Programs
$244 million for special benefits
$33 million for special benefits for disabled coal miners
$63.4 million for Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Fund administrative expenses
$41.5 million for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund
$612 million for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
$383.8 million for the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
$28.5 million for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
$40.5 million for the Office of Disability Employment Policy
$367 million for Department of Labor departmental management
$264.8 million for Veterans' Employment and Training
$85.2 million for the DOL Office of Inspector General
H-2B visa flexibility for the seafood industry
Armed security detail for the Secretary of Labor
The security detail is authorized to make arrests and perform proactive investigations
$1.75 billion for HHS Health Resources and Services Administration primary health care
$1.3 billion for HHS Health Resources and Services Administration health workforce expenses
$1 billion for maternal and child health programs
$2.5 billion for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
$133 million for PHS Act health care systems expenses
$366 million for PHS Act rural health programs
$286 million for Title X "Family planning" grants
These funds were restricted from going to Planned Parenthood by President Trump, but the Biden administration rolled back those restrictions
$1.2 billion for HHS Health Resources and Services Administration program management
$13.2 million for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Trust Fund
$5 million for the Covered Countermeasures Process Fund
$449 million for CDC immunization and respiratory diseases program expenses
For carrying out titles II, III, XVII, and XXI, and section 2821 of the PHS Act, titles II and IV of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and section 501 of the Refugee Education Assistance Act, with respect to immunization and respiratory diseases
$1.35 million for CDC HIV/AIDS, Viral hepatitis, STD, and tuberculosis prevention programs
$641 million for CDC Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases programs
$1 billion for CDC Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
$177 million for CDC birth defects, developmental disabilities, disabilities and health programs
$652 million for CDC Public Health Scientific Services
$209.9 million for CDC Environmental Health programs
$715 million for CDC Injury Prevention and Control programs
$351.8 million for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health PHS Act health programs
$55.4 million for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
$647 million for CDC global health programs
$862 million for CDC public health and preparedness programs
$30 million for CDC buildings and facilities
$333.6 million for CDC-wide activities and program support
$6.7 billion for the NIH National Cancer Institute
$3.8 billion for the NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
$501 million for the NIH Institute of Dental and Cranofacial research
$2.2 billion for the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
$2.54 billion for the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
$6.32 billion for the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
$3.1 billion for the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences
$1.68 billion for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
$864 million for the National Eye Institute
$842 million for the National Institute of Environmental Sciences
$4.2 billion for the National Institute on Aging
$656 million for the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
$514.8 million for the National Institute on Deafness and other communication disorders
$180.9 million for the National Institute of Nursing Research
$573.7 million for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
$1.6 billion for the National Institute on Drug Abuse
$2.1 billion for the National Institute of Mental Health
$639 million for the National Human Genome Research Institute
$424.6 million for the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
$159.4 million for the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
$459 million for the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
$86.9 million for the John E. Fogarty International Center
$479.4 million for the National Library of Medicine
$882.3 million for the National Center for Advancing translational sciences
$2.6 billion for the NIH Office of the Director
$2.6 billion for NIH Buildings and facilities
$496 million for the NIH Innovation account, Cures Act
$2 billion for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Mental Health)
$3.9 billion for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Substance Abuse Treatment)
$218.2 million for Substance Abuse Prevention
$260.2 million for Health Surveillance and Program Support
$350.4 million for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
$368.7 million for grants to states for medicaid
$487.9 million for the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund
$3.7 billion for HHS Program Management
$873 million for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Account
$2.8 billion for the Administration for Children and Families
$3.8 billion for low income home energy assistance
$4.8 billion for Refugee and Entrant Assistance
$6.2 billion for payments to states for the child care and development block grant
$1.7 billion for the Social Services block grant
$13.4 billion for children and families services programs
$82.5 million for Promoting Safe and Stable Families
$7 billion for payments for foster care and permanency
$2.3 billion for Aging and Disability Service programs
$506 million for HHS general departmental management
$196 million for Medicare hearings and appeals
$64.3 million for Office of National Coordinator for Health internet technology expenses
$82.4 million for the HHS Inspector General
$39.8 million for the HHS Office for Civil Rights
$1.3 billion for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
$1 billion for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health
$18.2 billion for Department of Education education for the disadvantaged programs
$1.6 billion for Department of Education Impact Aid programs
$5.6 billion for Department of Education School Improvement programs
$189 million for Department of Education Indian Education programs
$1.2 billion for Department of Education Innovation and Improvement programs
$361 million for Safe Schools and Citizenship Education
$831.4 million for English Language Acquisition
$14.5 billion for Special Education
$3.9 billion for Rehabilitation Services
$40.4 million for the American Printing House for the Blind
$88.5 million for the National Institute for the Deaf
$146.4 million for Gallaudet University
$2 billion for Career, Technical, and Adult Education
$24.6 billion for Student Financial Assistance
$2 billion for Student Aid Administration
$3 billion for Higher Education assistance
$344 million for Howard University
$435,000 for the College Housing and Academic Facilities Loans Program
$274 million for the Historically Black College and University Capital Financing Program Account
$737 million for the Institute of Education Sciences
$395 million for Dept of Education Departmental Management
$135.5 million for Dept of Education Office for Civil Rights
$135.5 million for Dept of Education Office for Civil Rights
$64 million for Dept of Education Inspector General
$25 million for Student Loan Cancellation
$140.5 million for Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending
$11 million for Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled salaries/expenses
$865 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service operating expenses
$190 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service National Service Trust
$88 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service salaries/expenses
$6.6 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General
$525 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
$50 million for the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service salaries/expenses
$17.5 million for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
$268 million for the Office of Museum and Library Services
$9 million for the Medicaid and Chip Payment and Access Commission salaries/expenses
$3.5 million for National Council on Disability salaries/expenses
$274.2 million for National Labor Relations Board salaries/expenses
$14.7 million for National Mediation Board salaries/expenses
$13.6 million for Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission salaries/expenses
$11 million for Railroad Retirement Board Dual Benefits Payments Account
$124 million for Railroad Retirement Board administration expenses
$12.7 million for the Railroad Retirement Board Inspector General
$11 million for Social Security Administration Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
$46 billion for Social Security Administration Supplemental Security Income Program
$31 million for the Social Security Administration Inspector General
Division I: Legislative Branch
$360,000 for Expense allowances for Senate Leadership
$20,000 for the Vice President
$40,000 for the President Pro-Tempore of the Senate
$40,000 for the Senate Majority Leader
$10,000 for the Senate Majority Whip
$10,000 for the Senate Minority Whip
$15,000 for Senate President Pro Tempore Emeritus
$5,000 for each Chairman ($195,000 total), $5,000 for Chairmen of Minority/Majority Conference Committees
$30,000 for representation allowances of Majority and Minority Leaders of Senate
$239 million for Senate salaries, officers, and employees:
$343,000 for Office of Vice President
$796,000 for the Office of President Pro-Tempore
$343,000 for Office of President Pro Tempore Emeritus
$5,906,000 for Offices of Majority and Minority Leaders
$3,774,000 for Offices of the Majority and Minority Leaders
$16,900,000 for Committee on Appropriations
$1,813,000 for Conference of Majority and Conference of Minority ($3.6 million total)
$900,000 for Offices of the Secretaries of the Conference of the Majority and Conference of the Minority
$1,852,000 for Majority and Minority Policy Committees ($3.7 million total)
$562,000 for the Office of the Chaplain
$28,091,000 for the Office of the Secretary
$98,563,000 Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper
$2,038,000 for the Offices of the Secretaries for the Majority and Minority
$7.4 million for the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate
$1.3 million for the Office of Senate Legal Counsel
$30,000 for select expense allowances
$7,500 each for the Secretary of the Senate, Senate Sergeant at Arms, Doorkeeper of the Senate, and Secretaries for the Majority/Minority
$136.6 million for Senate Inquiries and Investigations
$530,000 for the US Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control
$23 million for the Secretary of the Senate expenses
$152 million for Senate Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper expenses
$25 million for the Sergeant at Arms Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Fund
$23 million for Senate "miscellaneous items"
$486.2 million for the Senators' Official Personnel and Office Expense Account
$300,000 for Official Mail Costs
$75,000 Increase for Senators' Personnel and Office Expense Accounts
$174,000 Death Gratuity to Rep. Jim Hagedorn's benificiary
$1.7 billion for House of Representatives salaries and expenses
A. $34,949,640 for House Leadership Offices, including:
- $10,036,950 for Office of the Speaker, $35,000 expense account for the speaker
- $3,565,870 for the Office of the Majoroity Floor Leader
- $10,036,950 for the Office of the Minority Floor Leader
- $2,962,080 for the Office of the Majority Whip
- $2,684,990 for the Office of the Minority Whip
- $2,831,400 for the Republican Conference
- $2,831,400 for the Democratic Caucus
B. $774,400,000 for Members' Clerk Hire, official expenses, and official mail
C. $15,435,000 for Compensation of Interns in Member Offices
D. $438,000 for Compensation of Interns in House Leadership Offices
E. $1,943,910 for Compensation of Interns in Standing, Special, and Select Committee Offices
F. $345,584 for Compensation of Interns in House Appropriations Committee Offices
G. $167,101,000 for Standing, Select, and Special Committee Employees
H. $29,917,250 for Committee on Appropriations
I. $288,480,800 for compensation of officers and employees
J. 399,984,861 for various House Allowances and Expenses
$2 billion for the House Modernization Initiatives Account
$4.3 million for the Joint Economic Committee
$12.4 million for the Joint Committee on Taxation
$4 million for the Office of the Attending Physician
$1.6 million for the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
$468.9 million for Capitol Police salaries
$134 million for Capitol Police general expenses
$7.5 million for Office of Congressional Workplace Rights salaries/expenses
$61 million for Congressional Budget Office salaries/expenses
$139 million for the Architect of the Capitol salaries/expenses
$42.6 million for Capitol Building maintenance, care, and operation
$15.2 million for Capitol Grounds care and improvement
$82 million for Senate Office buildings maintenance, care, and operations
$212.4 million for House office buildings maintenance, care, and operations
$114.5 million for Capitol Power Plant Expenses
$64.5 million for Library Buildings and Grounds
$62.4 million for Capitol Police Buildings, Grounds, and Security
$24.5 million for Botanic Garden expenses
$25.6 million for the Capitol Visitor Center
$550.6 million for Library of Congress salaries/expenses
$98 million for Copyright Office salaries/expenses
$129 million for Congressional Research Service salaries/expenses
$61.2 million for National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
$78.8 million for the Government Publishing Office
$34 million for Public Information Programs of the Superintendent of Documents
$11.3 million for the Government Publishing Office Business Operations Revolving Fund
$719.2 million for the Government Accountability Office salaries/expenses
$6 million for the Congressional Office for International Leadership Fund
$430,000 for the John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development
$5 million for Capitol Complex COVID-19 response
Senate Staff Compensation increase from $173,900 to $199,300
Plaque to honor LEO's responding on January 6
Division J: Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
$1 billion for Army military construction
$2.6 billion for Navy/Marine Corps military construction
$2.2 billion for Air Force military construction
$2.2 billion for Defense-wide military construction
$338 million for Army National Guard military construction
$305 million for Air National Guard military construction
$94 million for Army Reserve military construction
$72 million for Navy Reserve military construction
$120 million for Air Force Reserve military construction
$216 million for the NATO Security investment program
$530 million for the Department of Defense Base Closure Account
$391 million for Army Family Housing operation/maintenance
$77.6 million for Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing construction
$357 million for Navy and Marine Corps Family Housing operation/maintenance
$116 million for Air Force Family Housing construction
$325 million for Air Force Family Housing operation/maintenance
$50 million for Defense-wide Family Housing operation/maintenance
$6 million for the DOD Family Housing Improvement Fund
$494,000 for the DOD Military Unaccompanied Housing Improvement Fund
$2.6 billion in additional funding for Military construction
$626 million for Army military construction
$1.3 billion for Navy/Marine Corps military construction
$237 million for Air Force military construction
$93 million for Defense-wide military construction
$71 million for Army National Guard military construction
$87 million for Air National Guard military construction
$29 million for Army Reserve military construction
$44 million for Air Force Reserve construction
$88 million for Army Family Housing construction
$125 million in additional military construction
$85 million for Army military construction
$15 million for Navy and Marine Corps military construction
$25 million for Air Force military construction
$275 million for Navy/Marine Corps Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Plan construction
$153 million for Defense-wide National Defense Authorization Act construction
$120 million for "improving military resilience" construction
$33 million for military child development center construction
$150 million for military construction expenses incurred from natural disasters
Additional $122 million for National Guard military construction
$105 million for cost increases identified in military construction
$9 billion for Veterans Benefits Administration compensation and pensions
$8.9 billion for Veterans Benefits Administration readjustment benefits
Such sums as may be necessary for the Veterans Housing Benefit Program Fund
$229.5 million for administrative costs
$1.4 million for administrative expenses for Native American Veteran Housing Loan Program Account
$3.5 billion for Veterans Benefits Administration general operating expenses
$70 billion for Veterans Health Administration Medical Services
$3.3 billion for Veterans Health Administration medical community care
$9.7 billion for Veterans Health Administration medical support and compliance
$7.1 billion for Veterans Health Administration medical facilities
$882 million for Veterans Health Administration medical and prosthetic research
$394 million for National Cemetery Administration
$401 million for Dept of Veterans Affairs general administration expenses
$228 million for Board of Veterans Appeals
$4.8 billion for Dept of Veterans Affairs information technology systems
$2.5 billion for the Veterans Electronic Health Record system
$239 million for the Dept of Veterans Affairs Inspector General
$1.6 billion for the Dept of Veterans Affairs major projects construction
$553 million for the Dept of Veterans Affairs minor projects construction
$50 million for State extended care facilities constructions
$48.5 million for grants for construction of veterans cemeteries
$5 million for Dept of Veterans Affairs asset and infrastructure review
$42 million for US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
$87 million for Army Civil Cemeterial salaries/expenses
$141 million for Arlington National Cemetery and Airmen's Home National Cemetery construction
$77 million for the Armed Forces Retirement Home Trust Fund
Division K: Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
$9.2 billion for Department of State Administration of Foreign Affairs Diplomatic Programs
$300 million for Department of State Administration of Foreign Affairs Capital Investment Fund
$13.7 million for Dept of State Admin of Foreign Affairs Inspector General
$753 million for Department of State Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs
$7.4 million for Department of State Representation Expenses
$30.8 million for Department of State Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials
$1.1 billion for Department of State Embassy Security, Construction, and maintenance
$7.9 million for Department of State Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service
$1.3 million for Department of State Repatriation Loans Program Account
$32.6 million for the American Institute in Tiawan
$32.6 million for the International Center in DC
$158.9 million for the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund
$1.7 billion for International Organizations (United Nations)
$1.5 billion for International Peacekeeping Activities (United Nations)
$52 million for International Commissions salaries/expenses
$15 million for International Commissions (American Section)
$62.8 million for International Fisheries Commissions
$850.3 million for the US Agency for Global Media International Broadcasting Operations
$9.7 million for US Agency for Global Media broadcasting capital improvements
$21.5 million for the Asia Foundation
$54 million for the US Institute of Peace
$19.7 million for the East-West Center
$315 million for the National Endowment for Democracy
$642,000 for the Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad
$4.5 million for the US Commission on International Religious Freedom
$2.9 million for the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
$2.25 million for the Congressional-Executive Commission on China
$1.6 billion for the US Agency for International Development
$258 million for the US Agency for International Development capital investment fund
$80 million for the US Agency for International Development Inspector General
$3.9 billion for USAID global health programs
$4.1 billion for USAID international development assistance
$3.9 billion for USAID international disaster assistance
$80 million for USAID Transition initiatives
$60 million for the USAID complex crises fund
$4.1 billion for the Economic Support Fund (foreign assistance)
$215.5 million for the Democracy Fund (foreign assistance)
$500 million for Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia
$2.9 billion for Dept of State Migration and Refugee Assistance
Additional $100,000 for Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance
$410.5 million for the Peace Corps
$912 million for the Millennium Challenge Corporation
$42 million for the Inter-American Foundation
$40 million for the US African Development Foundation
$38 million for Dept of the Treasury International Affairs Technical Assistance
$52 million for Dept of the Treasury International Debt Restructuring
$15 million for International Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation
$1.4 billion for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement
$900 million for Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and related programs
$455 million for international Peacekeeping operations
$6 billion for International Military Education and Training
$6 billion for the Foreign Military Financing Program
$423 million for Internation Organizations and Programs
$149 million for the Global Environment Facility
$125 million for the Clean Technology Fund
$206.5 million for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
$1 billion for the International Development Association
$53.3 million for the Asian Development Fund
$54.6 million for the African Development Bank
$211.3 million for the African Development Fund
$43 million for the International Fund for Agricultural Development
$5 million for the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program
$102 million for the International Monetary Fund Facilities and Trust Fund
$1.4 billion in callable stocks in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development without fiscal year limitation
$856 million in callable stocks in the African Development Bank without fiscal year limitation
Export-Import Bank Reauthorization
$114 million in administrative expenses
$5 million for program budget appropriations
US International Development Finance Corporation Reauthorization
$198 million in administrative expenses
$500 million for program budget appropriations
$2.8 million for the Inspector General
$79.5 million for the Trade and Development Agency
$15 million for Disability Rights organizations in developing countries
Funds to be drawn from USAID Development Assistance
$2.6 billion for "Democracy Programs" abroad
Funds to be drawn from USAID "Development assistance", "Economic Support Fund, Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia", and "International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement" programs
$102 million of funds designated for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (Dept of State)
$30 million for protection of civil society activists and journalists
$20 million for International Freedom of Expression and Independent Media programs
$900 million for the Special Defense Acquisition Fund
$1.4 billion in assistance to Egypt
$1.3 billion in military assistance
$40 million for higher education programs
$15 million for scholarships
$3.3 billion in military assistance to Israel
$1.65 billion in assistance to Jordan
$3 million for a Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic
$325 million for Central African Republic Ebola assistance
$538 million for assistance to areas of Mozambique affected by violent extremism
$136 million fir assistance to Burma for promoting tolerance, unity, and accountability
$82.5 million in assistance to Cambodia
$1.6 billion for the Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Asia Reassurance Initiative
Additional $300 million for the Countering PRC Influence Fund
$85 million for Laos, with $1.5 million for health and disability programs
$18 million for programs for Tibetan communities
$52 million in assistance for Vietnam
Continued assistance for the American University of Afghanistan
$56.8 million in assistance to Bangladesh
Including $23 million for "democracy programs"
$61.5 million for anti-corruption activities in Central America
$100 million for locally-led development in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras
$471 million for assistance to Colombia
$40 million for enhancing security in coca-producing municipalities
$15 million for "democracy programs" in Nicaragua
$80 million for the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative
$40 million for "democracy programs" in Venezuela
$132 million in assistance for Georgia
$20 million for "democracy programs" in Russia and other countries
$77.5 million for programs promoting global internet freedom
$10 million for the Marla Ruzicka Fund for Innocent Victims of Conflict
$32.5 million for the United National Population Fund
$575 million for global "family planning/reproductive health"
$200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund
$50 million for global Women's Leadership programs
$135 million for Women, Peace, and Security programs
$1.4 billion for global basic education and higher education assistance
$1 billion for global food security and agricultural development programs
$265 million in global grants to micro, small, and medium size business (especially those that benefit poor women)
$106 million to combat trafficking of persons in Europe/Asia
$25 million for USAID "Reconciliation programs"
$475 million for global water and sanitation programs ($17 million for safe latrines)
$385 million for global biodiversity conservation programs
$125 million to combat transnational wildlife poaching and trafficking
$185 million for global sustainable landscapes programs
$270 million for global "adaptation programs"
$260 million for clean energy programs in Africa
$50 million for addressing global ocean plastic pollution
$20 million to support global civil society advocacy organizations
$125 million for the Global Fragility Act Prevention and Stabilization Fund
$10 million for Transnational Justice programs
Division L: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies
$141.5 million for Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary salaries/expenses
$51.4 million for Department of Transportation research and technology
$775 million for Department of Transportation local and regional project assistance grants
$25 million for the Thriving Communities Initiative
$3.8 million for the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau
$5 million for upgrading and enhancing Department of Transportation financial systems
$39.4 million for Department of Transportation cybersecurity initiatives
$11.6 million for Department of Transportation Office of Civil Rights
$29.9 million for Department of Transportation planning, research, and development
$419 million for Department of Transportation Working Capital Fund
$5 million for Department of Transportation Small and Disadvantaged Business utilization and outreach
$350 million for payments to air carriers
$10 million for the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing
$11.4 billion for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
$1.5 billion for aviation safety activities
$8.5 billion for air traffic organiation activations
$32.5 million for commercial space transportation activities
$889 million for finance and management activities
$64 million for NextGen and operations planning activities
$139.5 million for security and hazardous materials safety
$280 million for staff offices
$178 million for current air traffic control towers
$2.9 billion for FAA facilities and equipment
$249 million for FAA research, engineering, and development
$3.35 billion for grants-in-aid for airports
$464 million for administration expenses for the Federal Highway Administration
$57.5 billion for implementation/execution of Federal-aid highway and highway safety construction programs
$58 billion for payment of Federal-aid highway and highway safety construction program obligations
$2.4 billion for Highway Infrastructure Programs
$360 million for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration operations and programs
$496 million for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration safety grants
$200 million for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration operations and research
$192.8 million for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration other operations and research programs
$774 million for Highway Traffic Safety grants
$240.8 million for Federal Railroad Administration safety and operations
$43 million for Federal Railroad Administration research and development
$100 million for Federal-state partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail grants
$625 million for Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety improvements
$150 million for supporting new intercity passenger rail service
$25 million for projects to reduce pedestrian casualties
$120.9 million for community project funding
$5 million for magnetic levitation transportation projects
$874.5 million for Northeast Corridor Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation
$1.5 billion for National Network Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation
$13.4 billion for Federal Transit Administration Transit Formula Grants
$504.3 million for Transit Infrastructure grants
$175 million for buses and bus facilities
$75 million for low or no emission grants
$6.5 million for ferry boat grants, with $3 million for low or no emission ferry boats
$2 million for operation and testing of bus facilities
$1 million demonstration and deployments of innovative mobility solutions
$1 million for accelerating innovative mobility initiatives
$20 million for grants to historically disadvantaged communities
$10 million for zero emissions research and development
$200.8 million community project funding
$13 million for rural ferry service
$7.5 million for FTA technical assistance and training
$2.2 billion for FTA fixed guideway capital investment grants
$150 million for grants to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
$38 million for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
$1.25 billion for the Maritime Administration
$278 million for the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
$103 million for the Department of Transportation Inspector General
$15.2 million for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Executive offices
$607 million for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administrative support offices
$966 million for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Program Offices
$4 billion for Tenant-based rental assistance
$8.5 billion for operation and management of public housing
$350 million for the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative
$159 million for Self-Sufficiency Programs
$1 billion for HUD Native American Programs
$3 million for HUD Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund Program Account
$22 million for the Native Hawaiian Housing block grant program
$450 million for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
$4.8 billion for Community Development Fund assistance for state and local government
$300 million for the Community Development Loan Guarantees Program Account
$1.5 billion for the HOME Investment Partnerships program
$62.5 million for the Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program
$3.2 billion for Homeless Assistance Grants
$13.5 billion for Project-based rental assistance
$1 billion for Housing for the Elderly
$352 million for Housing for Persons with Disabilities
$57.5 million for Housing Counseling Assistance
$14 million for the Manufactured Housing Fees Trust Fund
$400 million for the Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Program Account
$30 million for the Federal Housing Administration General and Special Risk Program Account
$125 million for HUD research and studies on housing and urban problems
$85 million for Fair Housing Activities
$415 million for the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes
$323 million for the HUD information technology fund
$140 million for the HUD Inspector General
$9.8 million for Access Board salaries/expenses
$33 million for Federal Maritime Commission salaries/expenses
$26 million for National Railroad Passenger Corporation Inspector General
$121 million for National Transportation Safety Board salaries/expenses
$163 million for the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
$3.8 million for the US Interagency Council on Homelessness
Division N: Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act
$100 million for additional Food for Peace grants
$22 million for Bureau of Industry and Security response to Ukraine
$9.7 million for Department of Justice Ukraine response salaries/expenses
$5 million in Ukraine response funding for US Attorneys
$1.1 million in additional funding for National Security Division salaries/expenses for Ukraine response
$43.6 million in addition Ukraine response funding for the Federal Bureau of Investigation
$130 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Army personnel
$11.6 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Navy personnel
$3 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Marine Corps personnel
$50.4 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Air Force personnel
$1.1 billion in additional Ukraine response funding for Army operations and maintenance
$203 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Navy operations and maintenance
$21 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Marine Corps operations and maintenance
$415 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Air Force operations and maintenance
$800,000 in additional Ukraine response funding for Space Force operations and maintenance
$311.6 million in additional Ukraine response funding for Defense-wide operations and maintenance
$213.7 million in additional Ukraine response Air Force procurement
$14.3 million in additional Ukraine response Defense-wide procurement
$31 million in additional Ukraine response Navy research, development, test, and evaluation funding
$47.5 million in additional Ukraine response Air Force research, development, test, and evaluation funding
$51.7 million in additional Ukraine response Defense-wide research, development, test, and evaluation funding
$409 million for Defense Working Capital funds, for Ukraine response
Additional $3.5 billion for Defense-wide operations and maintenance, for Ukraine response
$30 million for Department of Energy departmental administration funding to respond to Ukraine
$17 million for Treasury Department salaries/expenses to respond to Ukraine
$25 million for Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence salaries/expenses to respond to Ukraine
$19 million for Financial Crimes Enforcement Network salaries/expenses to respond to Ukraine
Additional $125 million for Department of State Diplomatic Programs to respond to Ukraine
Additional $4 million for Department of State Inspector General to respond to Ukraine
Additional $25 million for US Agency for Global Media International Broadcasting operations to respond to Ukraine
Additional $25 million for President Biden's Operating Expenses to respond to Ukraine
Additional $4 million for the USAID inspector general
Additional $2.65 billion in International Disaster Assistance Funding appropriated to President Biden
$120 million for Transition Initiatives appropriated to President Biden for response to Ukraine
Additional $647 million for the Economic Support Fund for response to Ukraine
Additional $1.1 billion for Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia for response to Ukraine
$1.4 billion for Migration and Refugee Assistance for Ukraine refugees and "other vulnerable populations"
Additional $30 million for Department of State International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement programs to respond to Ukraine
Additional $650 million in Foreign Military Financing funds appropriated to the President
Additional $1 billion in arms export funds appropriated to the President
$4 billion in Arms Export funding for Ukraine and NATO
Division O: Extensions and Technical Corrections
Extension of the National Flood Insurance Program
Extension of the E-Verify program
Extension of the Non-Minister Religious Workers visa program
Extension of the waiver of foreign country residence requirement with respect to international medical graduates
Increase of H-2B visas
Extension of Livestock Mandatory Reporting
Extension of TVPA Special Assessment
Extension of PAYGO budgetary effects
Division P: Health Provisions
Extension of authority to make certain appointments for the National Disaster Medical system
New FDA Authority over vaping and other synthetic nicotine products
Eligibility exception for hospitals to participate in the Drug Discount program
$9 million for studies on improving maternal health care quality
$5 million for an implicit bias training program for health care providers
$10 million for programs to reduce racial disparities in health care services for pregnant and post-partum women
$15 million for rural obstetric networks grants
Telehealth network and telehealth resource centers grant programs
$25 million for rural maternal and obstetric care training demonstration programs
Extension of Temporary order for fentanyl-related substances
Waiver of Federal Fund Limitation for the Drug-Free Communities Support program
$200 million Medicaid increase for Puerto Rico
Increased State flexibility with respect to third party liability
Telehealth Flexibility Extensions
Additional Medicare Provisions
Such sums as may be necessary for the Needy Families and related programs
Division Q: Consumer Protection
The Stop Senior Scams Act
The Seniors Fraud Prevention Act
The Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act
$199 million and a ten-year re-authorization of the US Anti-Doping Agency
The Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act
Division R: FAFSA Simplification
The FAFSA Simplification Act Technical Corrections Act
Division S: Veterans Matters
Pay raises for Department of Veterans Affairs Nurses and Physicians
Outdoor Industry Veterans Careers GAO study
Division T: Credit Union Governance Modernization Act
Credit Union reform to allow expulsion of members for cause
Division U: Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act
The Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act
Division V: Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Initiative Act
The Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Initiative Act
Division W: Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act
Universal Definitions and Grant Conditions
STOP Grants
Grant eligibility regarding compelling victim tesitmony
Grants to "develop and implement alternative methods of reducing crime in communities, to supplant punitive programs or policies"
Legal assistance for victims of trafficking or domestic violence
Grants for culturally relevant support for families in the justice system
$30 million for Outreach and Services to underserved populations
Enhanced culturally specific services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Pilot program on "Restorative Practices"
$500 million for the Sexual Assault Services Program
$500 million for the Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Child Abuse Enforcement Assistance Program
$50 million for Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life
$25 million for a Demonstration Program on Trauma-Informed, Victim-centered Training for Law Enforcement
$40 million for an LGBT-specific domestic violence services program
$500 million for Rape Prevention and Education Grants
$80 million for the Creating Hope Through Outreach, Options, Services. and Education for Children and Youth program
$75 million in grants to combat violent crimes on campus
Study on state coverage of forensic exams and related costs following a sexual assault
$10 million for a CDC study on preventing violence against adults and youth
$100 million for Saving Money and Reducing Tragedies Through Prevention grants
$100 million for grants to strengthen the health care system's response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
$35 million in grants for understanding sexual assault in health systems
National report on sexual assault services in our nation's health system
$25 million for Improving and Strengthening the Sexual Assault Examiner Workforce Clinical and Continuing Education Pilot Program
$50 million for Expanding Access to Unified Care
$35 million for Expanding Access to Forensics for Victims of Interpersonal Violence
Housing Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
Ensuring Compliance and Implementation; Prohibiting Retaliation Against Victims
Such sums as may be necessary for the HUD Gender-Based Violence Prevention Office and Violence Against Women Act Director
Prohibition on Retaliation (by public housing agencies/owners)
Protecting the Right to Report Crime from One's Home
Transnational Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
Such sums as may be necessary for a study and report on housing and service needs of survivors of trafficking and individuals at risk of trafficking
$10 million for the National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to Assist Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
$15 million for Provisions related to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
Study and Reports on Barriers to Survivors' Economic Security Access
GAO study on the ability of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking to repay their student loans
Access to National Crime Databases by Indian Tribes
Renewal of the Bureau of Prisons Tribal Prisoner program
Tribal Jurisdiction over covered crimes
Enhanced Tribal Jurisdictional Authority in Alaska
Establishment of the Office on Violence Against Women
Establishment of a Senior Policy Advisor For Culturally Specific Communities Of the Office on Violence Against Women
$40 million for improving conditions for women in federal Custody
The Ramona Brant Improvement of Conditions for Women in Federal Custody Act
The Stop Infant Mortality and Recidivism Reduction Act
Research and Report on women in federal incarceration
Reentry planning and services for incarcerated women
Reporting of NICS background check denials to state authorities
Enhanced deputizing authority for US Attorneys over local law enforcement to enhance ATF capabilities
Review on criminal offenses affecting native Hawaiians
The Closing the Law Enforcement Consent Loophole Act
The law prohibits federal law enforcement officers from engaging in sex with anyone in custody, and includes $25 million in grants to states who pass similar laws
$15 million in grants for states to enter data regarding stalking and domestic violence
$5 million for Federal Victim and Witness Coordinators
$11.5 million for Reauthorization of Child Abuse Training Programs for Judicial Personnel and Practitioners
$25 million for Sex Offender Management
$60 million for the Court-appointed Special Advocate Program
Establishment of Interagency Working Group to study federal efforts to collect data on sexual violence
National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence (assistance to microbusinesses)
Civil action relating to disclosure of intimate images (Revenge porn lawsuits)
$25 million to establish October 1st as "Choose Respect Day" and run national media campaigns
Establishment of a Senior Policy Advisor For Culturally Specific Communities in the Office of Justice Programs
Task Force on sexual violence in education
$40 million for Bree's Law (reducing teen dating violence)
Fairness for Rape Kit Backlog Survivors Act (compensation for victims)
Study relating to state actions to prohibit aiding and abetting sexual misconduct in schools
$150 million for the Supporting Access to Nurse Exams Act (rape kits/examinations)
$50 million for Local law enforcement grants for enforcement of cybercrimes
$20 million for a National Resource Center on Cybercrimes Against Individuals
National Strategy, classification, and reporting on cybercrime
$75 million for the Keeping Children Safe from Family Violence Act
$25 million for increasing STOP grants
$50 million for grants to states/tribes to implement Protection Order Pilot Programs
Division X: Intelligence Authorization
Classified appropriations
$587 million for the Intelligence Community Management Account
$514 million for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund
$514 million for the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System Fund
9/11 Declassification review by the Director of National Intelligence
Redesignation of National Counterproliferation Center
Climate Advisory Security Council reporting
Establishment of a Chaplain Corps of the Central Intelligence Agency
Recruitment of experts in science and engineering to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Support for and oversight of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force
Limitation on FBI procurement from China
Establishment of Counterintelligence Units at non-intelligence community federal departments and agencies
Pilot program for retention/recruitment in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Treasury Department
Designation of the Senator Roy Blunt Geospatial Learning Center
Harmonization of Whistleblower Protections
Authorities regarding whistleblower complaints and information of urgent concern
Congressional oversight of controlled access programs
Annual Reports on Domestic Activities of Intelligence community
Reports relating to Inspector General of Defense Intelligence Agency
Compensation and professional standards for certain medical officers
Establishment of medical advisory board of the Central Intelligence Agency
Clarification on CIA brain injury effects on benefits
Intelligence worker access to certain facilities of government for assessment of anomalous health conditions
Report on protocols for certain intelligence community employees and dependents
Inspector General of CIA inspection of Office of Medical Services
Assessment of genomic collection by China
Report on threat posed by emerging Chinese technology companies
Report and briefing on cooperation between China and United Arab Emirates
Report on creation of official digital currency by China
Report on influence of China through Belt and Road Initiative projects with other countries
Report on efforts of Chinese communist party to erode freedom and autonomy in Hong Kong
Report on targeting of renewable sectors by China
National Intelligence estimate on security situation in Afghanistan and related region
Report on intelligence collection posture and other matters relating to Afghanistan and related region
Report on propagation of extremist ideologies from Saudi Arabia
Report on likelihood of military action by countries of the South Caucasus
Report on Nord Stream II companies and intelligence ties
Assessment of Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research Activities
Report on effects of economic sanctions by United States
Matters Relating to Intelligence Personnel
Matters Relating to Organizations and Capabilities
Other Intelligence Matters
Division Y: Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure
Required reporting of cyber incidents
Voluntary reporting of cyber incidents
Noncompliance with required reporting
Information shared with or provided to the federal government
Establishment of Cyber Incident Reporting Council
Federal sharing of incident reports
Ransomware vulnerability pilot program
Ransomware threat mitigation activities
Congressional reporting on ransomware programs
Division Z: Israel Relations Normalization Act
Statement of Policy
US Strategy to strengthen and expand the Abraham Accords
The "Strengthening Reporting of Actions Taken Against the Normalization of Relations with Israel Act"
Division AA: Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program
Statement of policy/sense of Congress
Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Program
An aid program to "improve governance and the capacities of countries in North Africa to deliver basic services"
Division BB: EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act
EB-5 visa reforms
Reauthorization and reform of the Regional Center Program
The Regional Center Program is an EB-5 immigrant investor program in areas designated for ecnomic development, utilized extensively by Chinese investors.
Conditional Permanent Resident Status for spouses, children of alien investors
Procedure for granting immigrant status to alien investors
Timely processing of immigrant investor status
Transparency provisions for EB-5 program
Division CC: Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act
Ban on internment of certain individuals in certain state veterans' cemeteries
Division DD: Authorization of Appropriations for High Technology Pilot Program
$290 million for High Technology Pilot Programs
Division FF: Extenstion of Visa Waiver Program Fees
Extension of Travel Promotion Fund fee collection prohibition for an additional year
Division FF: Availability of Travel Promotion Fund for Brand USA
$250 million of previously collected Travel Promotion Fund fee fees to be transferred for use by Brand USA
Division GG: Cooperative Project Agreement
Authority to Enter into Cooperative Project Agreements (Arms Export Control matters)
Division HH: Other Matters